Web-Marketing Magazine 

.search engines
Adsense Google
A New F-Word for Google Search Results

... The researchers called this pattern a "golden triangle" at the top of result pages. The triangle extends across the top natural search result, then angles back to the left of the page down to the bottom-most "above the fold" result, typically in the third or fourth position on the page.

This area was viewed by 100% of the 50 participants in the study.
With both organic and sponsored search results, higher ranking results were viewed more often. Here are results for organic results (percentages represent the number of study participants viewing the listing):

Organic Search Results Viewed:

* Rank 1 - 100%
* Rank 2 - 100%
* Rank 3 - 100%
* Rank 4 - 85%
* Rank 5 - 60%
* Rank 6 - 50%
* Rank 7 - 50%
* Rank 8 - 30%
* Rank 9 - 30%
* Rank 10 - 20%

A similar, though smaller triangle effect was also observed for the sponsored listings on the right side of Google search result pages. In aggregate, fewer people looked at the sponsored listings; the exception to this was then sponsored ads were served at the top of a search result page as well as on the right side of the page. Ads at the top of the page were viewed by 100% of study participants.

Sponsored Listings Viewed (right side):

* Sponsored listing 1 - 50%
* Sponsored listing 2 - 40%
* Sponsored listing 3 - 30%
* Sponsored listing 4 - 20%
* Sponsored listing 5 - 10%
* Sponsored listing 6 - 10%
* Sponsored listing 7 - 10%
* Sponsored listing 8 - 10%

Here's a screen shot of the triangle.

These results are preliminary; a full analysis of the results will be available soon.
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