Web-Marketing Magazine 

.blogs EasyPay

Italian vertical blogs and nanopublishing.

Following my post about Spain, it looks like vertical blogs are appearing all around Europe. How could I forget the Italian vertical blogs autoblog.it, ecoblog.it, mobileblog.it and softblog.it ?

Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Italian vertical blogs and nanopublishing: » La industria europea de la nanopublicación from Weblogs SL
El lanzamiento de Weblogs SL el lunes pasado (ya sé que estamos muy monotemáticos, pero es que de eso va este blog), parece que ha generado el descubrimiento de la incipiente industria europea de la nanopublicación (término más o menos...). from: Loic LeMeur Blog


Outbound essays / articles

. The Right Time for Research: The Beginning. A pro-usability article.
. An article on the infamous demise of boo.com and the impact of the innovative design on success

Visit also
E-Commerce Times
Bohman Usability
The Usability Company
Red Herring
E-Business Research Center







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